We Get So Lost

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

What do I think about life?
Are we even here?
Is this a dream?

Why do I have
so many questions?

The thing is
I can’t tell you
how I really feel.
And even if I do,
how do I know
you won’t think
I’m crazy?

You see none of us
are truly going to write
about how we feel about life,
let alone talk about it.

But one thing
I do know is
the tiniest things matter.

What if some little kid was crying
because they lost their balloon and
seeing that made him laugh?

You see,
life is crazy.

When bad things happen,
we question it.

Why me?
Why this?
Why now?

We don’t know where we go
when we leave this place, but
we all have theories.

Life is just a magical abyss
of hurt, pain, healing, and happiness
all crammed in one bottle together
mixing up like sand.

We get so lost trying
to count all the pieces and
the wind blows it all away
before we can notice how much flew.

we start over
in a new bottle.

Words from the Author – Hope Shea

In the poem I talk about the way I think about life, just not in full depth.

Revision Decision

I said what had to be said in a paragraph so that was all that needed to be said. Andy had conference with me and he helped type it up in the right form.

One thought on “We Get So Lost

  1. I appreciate you expressing your feelings. We all need to vent and we all need times where we can pour out our true inner thoughts, emotions and feelings. I think it’s natural to experience confusion and even feelings at times that seem backwards. I think it’s important that we don’t let ourselves get too jaded or cynical, or bitter, because I still believe that there are genuinely nice and caring people who are who they say they are. There are good people in the world who want to help you and begin to help you eliminate some of the bitterness and confusion. I think it’s vital to still believe in good in this world, still believe in good in people. I hope that makes some sense.

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