Take Me to the Sky

My darling,
you deserve the world
you deserve to smile
you deserve to laugh
you deserve to be happy

My darling,
He is not it.
He is not the one.
He is a liar.
He is manipulative.
He is less than.
You are worth more than he tells you.

My darling,
You are beautiful.
You are kind.
You are smart.
You are funny.
You are an angel on this earth.
Our angel.
Not his.

Don’t let him weigh you down as you attempt to soar.
Maybe I’ll never fly but darling, you;
Take me to the sky

Heavyn Seidel

I chose this piece because it had a lot of meaning when I wrote it. I actually wrote this poem about a friend, but it does apply to several people that I know. I wrote this poem late at night, not in class, because it was in my head and I needed to put it somewhere. This piece stood out to me because it was one that I actually tried on and put thought into rather than a creative writing where I just write down thoughts or rants.

As for revisions, there were a couple lines that I went back and forth on, trying to figure out what sounded best but the hardest one(and one I am still not sure of) is the last stanza. I went back and forth between leaving it and taking it out completely. It has a deeper meaning based on the fact that the person I wrote this about would get the reference embedded within those three lines. However, when I read this poem out loud I omitted the last stanza completely because I felt it doesn’t flow well with the rest of the poem but I still couldn’t delete it completely.

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