Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash


Accustomed to being born with rights, born with undeniable privilege,

I am American.

Molded to believe that money is at the root of success and happiness,

I am American.

Easy to speak, slow to listen, unapologetic,

I am American.

Raised to believe that other people are to blame for my own mistakes,

I am American.

Ignorant to see the benefits that diversity brings,

I am American.

Concentrated solely on the success of myself over looking the effects left on my peers and on my nation,

I am American.

Acting in a way that tarnishes humanity instead of protecting it,

I am American.

Noted throughout the world for the deadly conflicts inflicted by Americans on Americans,

I do not want to be a part of this America.

Words from the Author
Camille Weindorf

Our world today is facing unprecedented times of division. An environment where hate and ignorance are commonplace, especially on social media. I wish that everyone could choose to put their differences aside allowing love and acceptance to prevail. World leaders today have a voice that reaches an audience of millions of people at any given moment. I want so badly for those people to advocate for grace and collaboration. In this country specifically, everything is politicized. The problem with politics is that there are two main groups with extremist values on each end of the spectrum. I believe that most people have a moderate opinion that gets devalued in the drama of extremists. The problems facing our country today cannot be blamed on one person or even one group. It seems as if people are realizing that a change needs to be made. However, it takes everyone to incite change. My biggest hope is that our country will return to a place where it is respected by all other countries in the world because its people are diverse yet strongly unified by the love of their country, my country, your country. God bless America.

Revision Decision

This poem underwent tons of revision. In the beginning, I described America when it was proud, peaceful, and united. Then, I channeled into the challenges facing our great country today. However, I felt like there was an excess of information that detracted from the main idea I wanted to convey. I then challenged myself to add a more creative touch to my writing, so I decided to have the first letter of every other line spell out AMERICAN while repeating the phrase “I am American” in between. This piece of writing is also notably shorter than some of my other pieces. At first, I was uncomfortable with this, but then my father who has an endless amount of advice reminded me that “brevity is better”. In this sentiment, he means that tight writing is succinct and powerful whereas extra words add a buffer or a way to beat around the bush. In the end, I am happy with this piece, and I think it relates to the current events occurring in our country.

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