The Waves

Photo by mohamad_hassan on Pixabay

The feeling of a clammy hand,
the unsettling churn of your stomach,
the shortness of breath;
almost like you’ve been running a marathon…

Only to be stuck.

That feeling of being stuck with the intrusive thoughts of
what ifs, ands, or buts.

The feeling you aren’t quite able to shake,
but, yet you shake.

Your whole body continues to tremble with the feeling,
and your heart beats a little faster than usual.

Beating yourself up of internal issues,
because the world seems smaller,
and the problem only gets bigger.

Bigger like the waves you feel trapped under.

After all,
the feeling does come in waves.

Wave the feeling goodbye,
just as fast as you wave it hello.

This is just the beginning.


I wrote this poem to solely bring attention to the feeling of anxiety and how many people, like myself, struggle with it. I tried to word this poem in such a way where it could be moving for everyone, regardless if you don’t face the same battles. I thought it was important to describe the feelings in my poem so when people read this, they almost get an insight for what it genuinely is. Most days, anxiety ends up getting the best of me, unfortunately. It is very hard to subdue the feeling like something is wrong all the time. Anxiety is such an issue and I definitely find it more prominent in today’s world. It’s super hard to overcome something like that because not everyone has the resources to do so, not to mention, it will always be a feeling you aren’t quite able to get rid of.


I found my first draft of this poem to be my final draft because I genuinely think this encapsulated all my thoughts and ideas about how I feel. I’m very happy with how this turned out for me and I hope it does bring some awareness in a way.

One thought on “The Waves

  1. Wonderful! What a window this provided in order to understand what living with anxiety can really be like for some.

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