
Image by Artist and zabiyaka from Pixabay

When I was 8 Ester left me.
We had no choice.
Cancer took her.

When I was 11 Tonya left me.
We had no choice.
We let her go.

When I was 16 Deeda left me.
It was her birthday.
She chose to leave this world.

I’m tired of people leaving.

Sometimes I want to join them
because I feel like I’ve lost everyone.

I always remember
God put me in this world and
when He wants me to go
He will let me be free.

Leaving is a terrible thing;
I’ve already lost so many people.
I want the leaving to stop.

I don’t want to lose anybody else.

Life has always
been rough for me.

Everything I do in life
is to make the ones
I love and care for
proud of me.

That’s why I like writing.

I can express myself.
I can share how I feel.

Writing helps me,
it relieves stress,
and it helps me
be free.

Words from the Author – Marisela Salvador

I have gone through a lot of hardships that impacted my life. There were two that mainly impacted me the most, which was my aunt’s death and my cousin’s death. There were still a lot of other deaths that affected me but those were the two that messed me up the most. I have a lot of people that leave out of my life and that’s why I chose to write this poem about my life and how people leave me.

Revision Decisions

I took out all the pieces that really put me down. Another thing that made me make this poem is how people keep leaving me and how people left out of my life. I have lost a lof of other people and it makes my life rough but I keep going to help inspire others. My cousin is somebody really important in my life and that’s why I keep going in life to help her. I wanted to make it sound strong to help others.

2 thoughts on “Leaving

  1. I’m proud of you for having the courage to be honest and real. Expressing your emotions is very crucial and like you said, it’s a great stress reliever. We all have to vent once in awhile, but like you said, it’s important that you appreciate the days you’ve been given and work to inspire others.

  2. Leaving is so very moving. It must be so hard to have had so much loss in your young life. Being able to express your feelings in this way is a tribute to your resiliency and strength. Keep writing because it will take you places you have never dreamed. Who would have thought that in such a short while people from New York would be reading your work?
    You ROCK!

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